Application Form for Fairfield Golfers Club
Name__________________________ Phone_______________
Street__________________________ City_____________________
Postal Code_________ E-Mail________________________________
When golfing, whenever possible, I prefer to:Walk___Ride___
This year I will play:the Forward tees___ the White tees___
I may be interested in joining the Club executive in the future:Yes___No___
I am an Alumni member only, with a Fee of $10.00: Yes___ No___
Membership Fee is $75.00. Please make your cheque payable
to Fairfield Golfers Club, and mail with this completed form to:
Neil Jamison,
15 Fieldstream Chase,
Bracebridge, Ont. P1L 0B1
Membership in Fairfield Golfers Club (herin "Fairfield") is conditional upon
the applicant agreeing to the following:
I will not hold Fairfield, its Directors, Officers and Committee Members liable
for any theft, loss of property, any accident, injury, or death of or to members, their guests
attending Club activities, whether arising as a result of negligence, breach of contract,
strict liability or otherwise. Further at any event where a member of Fairfield executive is
required to sign a golf cart waiver on behalf of all Fairfield members. I understand and agree
that any damage to a golf cart or golf course caused by me or my guest, or injury occurring during
the course of any Fairfield organized event, will be my responsibility.
I consent to emergency medical treatment in the event of injury or illness during any Fairfield
Golfers Club activity or event.
I agree to abide by the Constitution, rules, etiquette and spirit of Fairfield.
Signature________________________ Date______________