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2025 Application Form

Fairfield Golfers Club

1. Name
The club will be known as The Fairfield Golfers Club ("FGC") and for this document, ("Club").
2. Foundation
The Club was founded on 22 April 1994 at the Fairfield Seniors Centre, 80 Lothian Avenue, Etobicoke.
The Club shall be governed by a Board of Directors comprising an Executive and Chairs of committees
3. Mandate
The Mandate of the Club is:
a) To enable Members to play golf regularly during the summer, to emphasize friendship, and to encourage each Member to play with as many different Members as possible during the year.
b) To promote friendly competition among Members of the Club.
c) To work toward preserving individual golfing skills by providing competition that is open to all Members.
d) To promote and foster among the Members of the Club a common bond and fraternity for their mutual benefit and to conserve the best interest and true spirit of the game of golf.
e) To promote and enforce uniformity in the rules of golf, as set forth by Golf Canada and the Rules and Regulations as set out in the Club Rules & Etiquette, described and detailed in Appendix A.
4. Member
A Member will be a male 55 years of age or over and will have paid all required Club fees.
5. Membership
Membership comprises of two (2) categories: (a) Active members (b) Alumni members.
The maximum size of each of the Membership categories will be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors (“Board”) and ratified by Members at the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”).
Membership shall be for a period of one (1) year expiring on December 31 of any calendar year.
Each Member of the Club shall receive all benefits negotiated for or obtained on behalf of the Members by the Board.
6. Alumni Members
The Club has established a membership category entitled Alumni. This category may be selected by those who have been members in good standing for a minimum five (5) years, but for whatever reason choose not to play, or are unable to play, the requisite number of games in the future and shall pay an annual fee of $10.00.
Establishing this category reflects the respect the Club has for its Members and underscores the importance of maintaining and nurturing friendships.
7. Alumni Member Procedures
Members with Alumni designation may play any game they wish throughout the season for a maximum of six (6) games after which a full fee will apply and they may also attend social functions.
Handicaps and statistics will not be kept for Alumni. Therefore, although Alumni are welcome to play in the annual tournament, they will not be eligible for Low Gross or Low Net Prizes. However, Alumni will be allowed to compete for prizes at the Fun Days and other prizes throughout the year.
Exceptions to the five year stipulation may be made at the discretion of the Board.
Alumni Members will not pay the annual membership fee, unless they choose to do so, but will pay directly for the social functions (annual tournament dinner and AGM) they attend.
The Board is responsible for determining one’s eligibility for Alumni designation.
8. Guest Procedures
Male guests may play on any Tuesday and Thursday, throughout the year, with the exception of the day of the Annual Club Championship. Guest play is limited to a maximum of four (4) games annually. Guests are welcome to play on Fun Days and other Contest Days but will not be eligible to compete for prizes.
Guests do not play last but must play with the Club Member who invited them to play. The Club Member must contact the Game Day Liaison Chair and the Starter Chair to make this booking.
Exceptions to these procedures could be made by the Board, or by the President if a quick decision were required.
9. Member Application
A New Member application form is available from the current Membership Chairman and from the Club web site.
10. Membership Fees
Annual Membership Fees will be set by the Board and must be paid by Members at the time of submission of their application.
11. Board of Directors ("Board")
The Executive of the Board will be elected every second year, from the Members of the Club, in good standing, at the AGM, effective on the 1st of January next, and includes the following officers:
Executive of the Board: (“Executive”)
• President
• Vice-President
• Secretary
• Treasurer
• Immediate Past-President (not an elected position)
Chair of Committees: (“Chairman”)
Other Members of the Board will be appointed by the Board, from the Membership, immediately following the elections and include the following Chairman positions:
• Course Scheduler
• Game Day Liaison
• Starter
• Tournament, Special Events and Prizes
• Membership
• Handicap
• Website
• Health and Welfare
Duties of the Executive and Chairs are described and detailed in Appendix B.
12. Nominations for Executives
The immediate Past President shall be appointed Chair of the Nomination Committee and he shall publish a list of candidates nominated for the Executive.
At least thirty (30) days prior to the AGM, such list shall be made available to all Members of the Club.
Any Member, in good standing, may submit his name or the name of any other Member for nomination, with his concurrence, in writing, to the chair of the nomination committee at least Forty-five (45) days prior to the AGM at which an election for officers is being held.
A Member elected to a position on the Executive shall retain his position for a period of two years unless the Member resigns.
If a member of the Executive is unable to complete his term of office his position will be filled by a Member appointed by the Executive. This appointment must be ratified by the Members at the next AGM.
13. Duties of the Executives
a) The President shall chair all Board, Annual and Special meetings held by the Club.
b) The President is responsible for the good running of the Club.
c) The President shall represent the Club when consultation with other groups or organizations is requested or required.
d) The President shall be a signing officer for the Club in relation to all financial matters.
a) The Vice-President shall be required to perform the duties of the President in his absence.
b) The Vice-President shall perform any other duties as requested by the President.
c) The Vice-President shall be a signing officer for the Club in relation to all financial matters.
d) The Vice-President will coordinate the meals for the Club (AGM, Championship, and fun days).
e) The Vice-President will book the venues for meals.
f) The Vice-President is responsible for booking the Spring Season Launch meeting and the AGM.
The Secretary shall be responsible for recording and maintaining the minutes of all Board, Annual or Special Meetings held by the Club and shall, on request by any Member, make available the minutes of any Annual or Special meeting to that Member.
a) The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining all records relating to any financial transactions taken on behalf of the membership of this organization.
b) The Treasurer shall be a signing officer for the Club in relation to all financial matters.
c) The Treasurer shall prepare a yearly financial report detailing the financial record of the league and will, upon request by any Member, make available a copy of the report.
d) The Treasurer shall be required to perform any additional duties that may be assigned from time to time.
Immediate Past President
a) The immediate past president shall be a Member of the Executive of the Board of Directors.
b) He will assist in making decisions pertaining to the running of the Club and give advice where needed.
c) He shall be appointed Chair of the Nomination Committee.
14. Responsibilities of Club Members
a) Members are expected to behave in a manner that will not bring the name or the image of the Club into disrespect.
b) Members are expected to observe the rules, code of conduct and protocols of the Club.
c) No Member shall knowingly submit a false or incorrect score card.
d) Members must submit their completed score card to the Handicap Chairman.
e) Members of the Club are expected to abide by and enforce the rules of golf as set forth by Golf Canada, except where Fairfield Golfers Club rules are deemed to replace Golf Canada rules.
f) Members are expected to report their intent to play each and every game, by going to the Club website and registering to play. They are also expected to unregister if their intent to play changes. Should either of these occur after the website is locked, they are expected to inform the Game Day Liaison.
15. General Meetings
General Meetings of the Members will be the AGM to be held in the fall and the Season Launch to be held in the spring. These meetings will be held each year at a date to be set by the Executive. Members will be notified of these meetings a minimum of thirty (30) days in advance.
16. Applications
Members will submit applications for Membership each year. Application forms will be made available, to Members, on the Club’s Web Site.
17. Annual Tournament
The date of the Annual Tournament will be set by the Board close to the middle of September as part of the Regular Game Schedule.
18. Tournament Eligibility
Any Member who has played ten (10) games before the Tournament will be eligible (the Board may waive this requirement due to extenuating circumstances). Members with fewer than ten (10) games may play golf on the day of the Tournament and attend the banquet but will not qualify for prizes.
19. Operating Expenses
The Membership Fees and other Club revenues will first be applied to Operating Expenses of the Club, secondly, to subsidize the Tournament Banquet, pay for any prizes and trophies and then to subsidize any other Club event.
20. Amendments
The Board shall have the power to repeal or amend any by-laws, regulations, duties and this Constitution, upon receiving the approval of a majority of the Members in attendance at the AGM.
Any Member may submit proposed changes to repeal or amend any by-laws, regulations, duties and this Constitution, by submitting such proposal to the Board at least thirty (30) days prior to the AGM.
A Member submitting a proposed change to repeal or amend any by-law, regulation, duty and this Constitution, must submit such change in writing to the Board.
21. Ratification
This Constitution was Ratified and Signed the 22nd day of April, 1997. Amended, Ratified and Signed the 14th day of July,1999. Amended, Ratified and Signed the 29th day of November 2002. Amended, Ratified and Signed the 9th day of December 2020.
Appendix A – Club Rules and Etiquette
Appendix B – Duties of Board of Directors
(see Secretary for signed copy) Dated this 9th day of December 2020.
Alex Borgiel, President
(see Secretary for signed copy) Dated this 9th day of December 2020.
Sal Borraccia, Secretary .